Program: L-V: 08:00-17:00

Autrics was founded in 1999 at USA

A wonderful serenity taken possession into entire soul also like these sweet morni spring which thing of an existence in this spot, which was the main partcreated for the bliss often souls like mine.

  • Share best practices and hitech product knowledge
  • Collaborate with technology
  • Technology, information security, and business partners

Autrics Technology, information security,

A wonderful serenity taken possession into entire soul also like these sweet morni spring which thing of an existence in this spot, which was the main partcreated for the bliss often souls like mine.

  • Share best practices and hitech product knowledge
  • Collaborate with technology
  • Technology, information security, and business partners

Autrics Collaborate with technology

A wonderful serenity taken possession into entire soul also like these sweet morni spring which thing of an existence in this spot, which was the main partcreated for the bliss often souls like mine.

  • Share best practices and hitech product knowledge
  • Collaborate with technology
  • Technology, information security, and business partners

Autrics was founded in 1999

A wonderful serenity taken possession into entire soul also like these are main partcreated for the bliss often soul like



Happy Client


Customer Satisfaction


Happy Customers

Services We Provide

Cutii automate de

Periodic, masina ta are nevoie de atentie pentru a continua sa-ti ofere siguranta optima si confortul cu care te-a obisnuit. Pentru lucrari de intretinere ca

Diagnoză computerizată

Prin diagnoză computerizată, avem capacitatea de a verifica sistemele de funcționalitate ale automobilului, iar astfel, problemele pot fi identificate și remediate cu rapiditate.

Reparații Sistem de

După fiecare operațiune a elementelor de frânare, vehiculul este așezat pe standul de testare și se verifică atât frâna de serviciu, cât și cea de

Reparații și Întreținere

Mirosul neplăcut în mașină poate fi cauzat de probleme la instalația de aer condiționat. Umezeala favorizează apariția mucegaiului sau a bacteriilor.

Revizii generale, schimb

Periodic, masina ta are nevoie de atentie pentru a continua sa-ti ofere siguranta optima si confortul cu care te-a obisnuit. Te asteptam pentru lucrari de

Reparații motor

Lucram constant pentru ca tu sa beneficiezi de cele mai bune servicii pe care le putem oferi atunci cand ajungi cu o problema mecanica in

Clients Love

Expert Team

 Jhon Wick

Jhon Wick

Lead Painter


Years of Experience2

Projects Done2

                                Michel Andarson

Michel Andarson

Lead Painter


Years of Experience2

Projects Done2

                                Jr. Adam Smith

Jr. Adam Smith

Lead Painter


Years of Experience2

Projects Done2

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